Canada publishes job offers for Colombians in 2023 – Personal Finance – Economy

Leaving Colombia and looking for a better future in the northern hemisphere of the planet has become an increasingly common trend. For this reason, there are multiple opportunities that countries like Canada are offering for Latin Americans to work and reside in their country.

Precisely, the content creator Natalia Perea, who lives in that country and is dedicated to advising those who seek to reach Canadian territory legally, shared on her Instagram account a new call for work prepared by the Quebec government.

From January 24 to February 27, 2023, Colombians can register for this job call that is being organized by the Quebec government”, reads the publication.

(You can read: These are the profiles of workers they are looking for in Canada, Germany and the US.)

The areas that employers are interested in are the education, engineering, manufacturing and machining, cabinetmaking, health, social services, educational childcare services, and information technology.

As the woman explained on her social networks, those interested should enter this link: create a user and apply.

(Also read: Immigration in Canada hits record; country seeks more workers).

The good news is that if you have a partner and children, you can usually come with them.

Those who are shortlisted will be summoned in Bogotá on April 1 or 2 to conduct an interview or face-to-face tests: “In most jobs, although it is not the worker’s obligation, offer to pay all visa fees, air tickets to Canada and the first two months of accommodation“.

Specific details such as salary, hours, experience, and requested language are indicated in each of the jobs, but most do not require advanced English or French.

The content creator recommends that you apply for jobs in which you have experience, if requested by the job, and that you meet most of the requirements requested.

(Do not stop reading: Latina who went to live in Canada tells why she regrets her decision).

Finally, it ensures that among all the procedures that must be carried out those selected may be traveling to Canada in late 2023 or early 2024.

The good news is that if you have a partner and children, you can usually come with them. Your partner will have an ‘open’ work permit, which will allow you to work whatever you want, and your dependent children under 22 will be able to access the free education that Canada offers.”