In the week of 8M there has been a lot of talk about gender inequality in all areas, including science. There have been many scientists who have denounced the obstacles they have suffered in the academy due to the fact that they are women. Does it match your diagnosis?
Indeed. Therefore, first of all, you have to be very clear and say that gender inequality exists and it is scientific evidence. To deny it is to deny science itself. In addition, it must be taken into account that social inequalities undermine meritocracy. We cannot measure the real merit of people if we do not combat the inequalities that do not allow you to reach the same place as another person. We need to promote public policies to combat discrimination that arises in half of the population for the simple fact of being women.
“Gender inequality exists and it is scientific evidence, denying it is denying science itself”
What types of measures have you put in place to build a more inclusive science?
We are very clear about what kind of problems and discriminations are reflected in scientific institutions. From there we propose several solutions. The new science law obliges all research centers to create equality plans and review the years. We will also create an equality badge for research centers, because there can be no science of excellence if equality is not guaranteed. With the new parity law, from now on, in the scientific courts there must be an equal presence of men and women to avoid gender discrimination.
One of the most important Spanish scientific projects in recent years has been the development of the hipra covid-19 vaccine. Everything indicates that this formula will be approved shortly. What balance do you make of this project?
We should be very proud of the Hipra vaccine. Whenever it is approved, it is a source of pride to know that we are one of the seven countries that can develop a vaccine against covid-19. Getting an immunization in three years is still a record time. Let’s remember that we are still in a pandemic and that if we can have a normal life today it is thanks to vaccines.
“It is a source of pride to know that we are one of the seven countries that has been able to develop a vaccine against covid-19”
Do you think we have learned anything from this project?
The need to be more prepared for the health crises to come. Beyond the covid-19 vaccine, the experience with Hipra has shown the importance of public-private collaboration. Now we are a more resilient country and better prepared for the health crises that could arise in the future.
These days a great debate has also been opened on the cost and benefits of renewable energies. How do you position yourself on this?
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On this subject, we must be very clear and say that climate change is scientific evidence, despite what the deniers say. When we talk about climate change and the damage we are doing to the planet and all the living beings that inhabit it. Saving the planet is also saving humanity. Because there is no planet from which a spaceship is waiting to go to another planet, it is clear to him. For this reason, Spain has dedicated 30% of the recovery funds to the green transition. We must bet on renewable energies because they are cleaner, cheaper, they help us take care of our health because they decarbonize and therefore take care of the air and the environment.
“There is no planet from which a spaceship is waiting to go to another planet, it is clear to him”
Do you consider that you are advancing fast enough on this path of ecological transition?Spain is one of the countries most advancing in the process of ecological transition. This is good news because it means that we will get to the future sooner. I am convinced that this is going to be the great legacy that we are going to leave to future generations. Being a country that exports clean energy. Now the rich countries are those that have oil or coal, in the future they will be those that know how to take advantage of the sun, the air and the waves of the sea to produce energy.